With a full mouth

Čili Pizza

Who said you can't talk, propose, whisper, compliment, confess, read morals, make commercials and what not with a full mouth?

Cili Mute
Cili Mute KASTE
Cii Pizza POS

Čili Pizza is a place where different audiences meet. And the best thing is - no one feels like an outsider here! It's a place where a couple sits on their first date, next to them a family with three children, further away - someone has a business lunch. Čili Pizza is a place to feel free and good.

In the creative concept of this campaign we based everything on - talking with your mouth full. Some would say it's impolite, some would say that's no big deal, but Čili Pizza says: "Go for it! With us, you can have your mouth full, because here people enjoy delicious food and pleasant, conversation-filled moments together."

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