Let the crowns flourish!

Latvian Fund for Nature

Turns out that it is no longer so easy to make a wild flower crown from natural meadows in Latvia.

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Case study

In Latvia natural meadows are becoming less and less common. And with the disappearance of meadows, natural meadow plants also disappear. However, it cannot be noticed with the naked eye. You have to go to the meadow to really see for yourself.

Summer solstice is the time when meadows flourish and people go there willingly to look for plants for the most beautiful Midsummer (Jāņi) wreaths. Using this moment, we invited diligent wreath weavers to accept the challenge of winding a wreath in one of three degrees of complexity - according to how often natural plants are found in Latvian nature. 

Fortunately, this is still possible, but with each orbit the earth makes around the sun, it requires more and more patience. But he who seeks will be crowned!

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